Facial Morphing Project

by Ajay Bhargava

Facial Keypoints and Triangulation

To begin morphing the faces together, I first found two photos and labeled them with corresponding points on each. From this, I took a Delauney triangulation of the points on each image.

Portrait 1

Barack Obama

Portrait 1

Triangle Barack Obama

Portrait 2

George Clooney

Portrait 2

Triangle George Clooney

Midway Face

Warping the faces into the average triangles of the two, I was able to average the pixels and portray a midway face. Some examples are shown below.

Original Image 1


Midway Face

Ajay Clooney? George Bhargava?

Original Image 2


Example Image 1


Example Image 2

Barack Clooney? George Obama?

Example Image 3



A gif morph of two faces can be created by using a similar method to the midway face above. By averaging the points of the triangles using some weighted fraction, then using the same fraction on the pixels values of the warped images, an intermediate image can be created. Putting these images together yields the result below.

Original Image 1

Clooney to Obama

Mean Face

Using the method to find midway faces can be applied on more than just 2 faces. Using images of Brazilians taken in 2005/2006 at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of FEI in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil, I was able to generate the average face of a population, as demonstrated below.

Neutral Image 1

Neutral Image

Midway Face

Neutral Image

Neutral Image 2

Neutral Image

Neutral Image 3

Neutral Image

Average Neutral Face Image

Average Neutral Face

Neutral Image 5

Neutral Image

Neutral Image 6

Neutral Image

Neutral Image 7

Neutral Image

Neutral Image83

Neutral Image

A similar average was found on the same dataset of faces, this time when they are smiling. I then warped that face into my face's geometry, then warped my face into that face's geometry,

Neutral Image 6

Average Smile Warped to Ajay Image

Neutral Image 7

Ajay Warped to Average Smile

Caricature Face

Using the same keypoints method as described above, we can create caricatures of faces by multiplying the difference of points by some factor. Some exaggerated examples of this are shown below.

Original Image 1

Zion Caricature

Midway Face

Ajay Caricature

Presidential Morph

I finished this project by creating a video of the most recent presidents morphed together.